The 10 / 40 Window
What is the 10 /40 Window?
The 10/40 Window is a geographical area that lies between 10 degrees latitude north of the equator and 40 degrees latitude north of the equator. This rectangular area stretches from North Africa, the Middle East to Asia.
- 2/3 of the world’s 7 billion people live in the 10/40 window
- 85% of the world’s poorest nations are located in the 10/40 window
- 90% of the people living in this window are unevangelized or unreached by the gospel
- The 10/40 window is often referred to as “The Resistant Belt”, encompassing the majority of the world’s Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists, as well as the majority of the Non-religious designated block of people.
- Open evangelism is dangerous and nearly impossible in the 10/40 window because many of the governments here are opposed to Christian’s working within
their borders. Imprisonment or death can result from witnessing the Gospel.
- The 10/40 window contains over 70% of the world population but receives only 8% of all missionary effort.
- Only 5 cents out of every $100 spent on missions globally is directed toward the 10/40 window, even though the need is most critical & dire in this area.
Short Term Mission Trips
This program is designed to help direct churches towards short-term missions opportunities for their church members to engage in evangelism and discipleship beyond their communities. These trips, done in collaboration with partnering missions organizations, are designed to introduce indigenous people to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, basic biblical principles, and may include opportunities to meet tangible needs of the people.
*please see below for more information.
Missions Education
We partner with missions training and education agencies to offer training in cross-cultural missions awareness. This is accomplished by the following:
- Educating the larger church community through mission conferences, workshops and resources on the historical, biblical, cultural and strategic aspects of missions, thereby providing greater knowledge of world missions.
- Connecting a church’s specific mission with real needs on the mission field and assisting in the selection of the country, peoples group and specific projects for a missions trip.
- Providing training for short-term missions teams.
- Assisting in mobilizing financial and material resources to support and sustain the missions projects.
- Assisting in establishing member care for missionaries serving overseas.
Sister2Sister Project
Fishers of Men, Inc. is partnering with Shalom Outreach, Inc. to bless school-aged girls in Africa by making reusable sanitary napkins. This is called the Sister2Sister Project and will allow girls to stay in school and not fall behind on their educational endeavors. Without this project, many girls will drop out of school because of accumulating too many school absences that occur because they have to stay at home during their monthly periods. During their periods, these girls may sit on boxes, use cow/elephant dung, use banana leaves or rags for menstrual pads. In addition, most schools do not have bathrooms where the girls can clean themselves. So, they end up dropping out of school, which results in the continuation of a cycle of poverty. Shalom Outreach, Inc. has adopted schools and built latrines on the school grounds. Fishers of Men, Inc. partners with Shalom Outreach, Inc. by providing a kit that includes handmade sanitary pads, underwear, washcloths, clothespins, and soap to enable the girls to remain in school during their periods. Each pad is stitched with love, to share God’s love with others, by blessing them with life’s essentials. Girls also receive instruction in personal hygiene and the use of the pads. The Sister2Sister project allows these girls to maintain their dignity and “turns their periods into pathways” to rise above poverty and embrace success. Donations are used to purchase 100 % cotton fabric to make the pads and items noted above to put into each kit. The items are placed in a zip lock freezer bag that is used to wash the reusable pads and the kit is placed in our handmade carrying bag for ease of transport to school. Your donations are appreciated and will serve to change the life of these girls.
Shalom Outreach, Inc. ministers the gospel to countries around the world, We are proud to partner with them as they minister the gospel and meet the essential needs of God’s children.
Perspectives is a ministry of Frontier Ventures, a non-denominational ministry that exists to enhance the effectiveness of the mission movement among the world’s least reached peoples. Perspectives originated in the U.S.A., but many countries have developed their own Perspectives programs, such as South Korea, Australia, India, and others. The Headquarters is based in Pasadena, California. If you would like to learn more please click here.